We want to support you in tackling Antisocial Behaviour (ASB) in your communities. We will give you advice and support to deal with any problems before they escalate. Please contact us using the form below when you have concerns about ASB in your area. Remember to provide as much information as possible.
Below, we’ve outlined some key information about common complaints we receive. These may help you identify the steps you can take to resolve the situation, and when to progress the issue when you are unable to resolve it.
Remember: if there is an immediate emergency and you or anyone else are in danger, please call 999.
If the situation is not an emergency, but requires police advice and intervention, please call 101.
Welfare Concerns
Sometimes, our ASB concerns could be indicative of complicated situations at home. Adults and children at risk have a right to be protected. We will support tenants who have welfare concerns for their neighbours, helping you determine who to contact in these situations.
We acknowledge the value that neighbours can play in spotting behaviours and signs that might be a cause for concern. Reporting your genuine concerns make you a good citizen and could prevent or stop abuse from occurring.
Remember: if you are concerned for an adult or child that might be in immediate danger, phone 999 immediately.
If you have a concern for an adult or child that might be at risk of abuse or experiencing abuse, you should report this to Cardiff Council Safeguarding teams
You can remain anonymous if desired. We would be grateful if you could also let us know so that we can ensure any required actions are taken to keep people safe.
- Cardiff Child Safeguarding Team – 029 2053 6490 (out of hours – 029 2078 8570)
- Cardiff Adult Safeguarding Team – 029 2233 0888 (out of hours – 029 2078 8570)
It is always best if the person with the concern reports this directly. However, we understand that some people may not feel comfortable doing this. We are happy to support anyone with a concern and we will pass the information on to the relevant organisations. You can speak to any member of staff to report a concern.
The list of circumstances opposite are criminal offences. You need to report any such incidents to the police immediately, and let them know if you have any concerns about your safety or the safety of anyone else. Once you have reported it to the police, please contact us with the incident report number and the officer’s name. We will then be able to contact them, working with them and yourself to agree the next steps.
- Arson
- Domestic abuse
- Drugs (Cuckooing, county lines, substance misuse, drug dealing, etc.)
- Hate Related (Race, religion, sexual orientation, disability, gender identity, etc.)
- Physical violence
- Sexual (Sex work, kerb crawling, trafficking and exploitation)
- Verbal abuse (Harassment, threats, neighbourly disputes, etc.)
Antisocial Behaviour Reporting Form
Please provide as much detail as possible