Our Spaces and Places Team provides communal cleaning to a large number of flat blocks as well as estate litter picking.
Each site has a different schedule, including how often we clean. Some sites get two visits a week, some weekly and others monthly.
The work the team does depends on the needs of the block but in general the team will:
- wipe down and sanitise surfaces and touch points, including lifts and stair rails
- sweeping, mopping or vacuuming floors
- wiping down entrance doorways, including glass
- litter picking entrance pathways and parking areas
- checking bin stores
The team will also check and report any repairs, fly tipping, safety concerns or items in communal areas.
Some of our larger estates also receive a whole site litter pick. They will remove small items of rubbish and litter along paths and pavements as well as in open green areas.
Your individual block schedule can be found on your block notice board, or you can view a full schedule here.
If you have any questions about these services, please get in touch with Josh Garland on 07929858797 or email josh.garland@ccha.org.uk.