Cardiff Community Housing Association are delighted to announce that we have been granted planning approval from Cardiff County Council for the construction of twelve energy efficient homes in Llanrumney.
The site which was previously known as the Llanrumney Play Centre will be demolished to make way for twelve thermally efficient homes. With support from Welsh Government Social Housing Grant, we are able to build homes on a site that enjoys excellent local facilities and is surrounded by beautiful greenery and woodland.
This development will provide a total of 12 new affordable dwellings that will comprise of 7no. 2 Bedroom units, 4no. 3 Bedroom units and 1no. 4 Bedroom unit. The majority of the houses are set in semi detached configurations with two short terraces of three dwellings. The appearance of these properties has been designed to assimilate with the surrounding residential context and to harmonise with the green infrastructure.
Working in partnership with Pentan Architects, the development has been designed to achieve a high level of energy efficiency that will assist in tackling fuel poverty through a fabric first approach. High quality urban design allows placemaking to be at the forefront of our scheme and to be complimented with a design of architectural merit.
As a commitment to tackling climate change and fuel poverty, all of CCHA’s future developments are to be constructed to achieve energy efficiency rating EPC A. This development will enjoy the benefit of solar panels on the roof planes of every property which will directly benefit our customers. We aim to capture the best approaches to low carbon and renewable technologies to provide our customers with warm, affordable, better homes.