Each year, we award a total of £3,000 in grants under our Community Benefits Fund, which are aimed at supporting tenants and people living in our communities through activities, events, sport and equipment. Each applicant is awarded up to £500, meaning we are able to support six initiatives every year.
One of the recipients in 2023 was Rubicon Dance, who used a £500 grant to fund the Rubicon Schools Connections Programme.
In November and December, 191 children aged 6-10 years and 18 staff from Moorland Primary, Stacey Primary, Tredegarville Primary and Baden Powell Primary participated in dance workshops and every child involved was also offered a free session at Rubicon Dance in Adamsdown.
If you’re interested in applying for a grant to fund a community based project, get in touch with Sam Evans (sam.evans@ccha.org.uk).