Last week was Mental Health Awareness Week and we have been reflecting on the work that CCHA is doing to address mental health and wellbeing in the workplace, and how staff are supported.
Rhian Robinson, Head of People and Organisational Development, says:
“Staff mental health and wellbeing is a priority for us as an organisation, and our annual staff surveys show that it’s important to our team too, so we are constantly looking at ways in which we can support staff and improve what we have to offer.
“This year, we decided to put together a group of mental health and wellbeing champions, with 10 members of staff volunteering to get involved from across the business.
“The group has now undergone training with i-act which is aimed at supporting managers to improve workplace wellbeing and helping them to support employees who may experience a mental health or wellbeing issue.
“The i-act course for managers aims to:
- Give managers a greater understanding of mental health and wellbeing issues and help them recognise when colleagues may need further help and support,
- Provide practical tools for promoting positive wellbeing in the workplace to help build resilience for ourselves as managers and for colleagues,
- Offer guidance and advice for how managers can connect with colleagues who may be experiencing a mental health or wellbeing issue,
- Equip managers with practical tools, a resource pack and signposting to further help and support concerning mental health and wellbeing issues.
“If a member of staff needs support, they can contact a member of the group, message over teams, email or ask in person and they will find someone who can help and signpost to useful resources. The mental health and wellbeing champions will also be sharing regular tools and resources, in the hope that they can support members of staff who are struggling with their mental health but might be reluctant to come and ask for help.”