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The information on this page will help you determine what is, and what is not, antisocial behaviour within your neighbourhood.

It will also advise what steps you can take to resolve the issue yourself, or progress the matter if you are unable to resolve it.

If the situation continues, despite taking the steps listed below, you can report the issue to us.


If the situation is not an emergency, but requires police advice and intervention, please call 101.


Remember: if there is an immediate emergency and you or anyone else are in danger, please call 999.


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Common Neighbourhood Concerns

Always speak to your neighbours to find out who the vehicle may belong to. If, after this, no-one knows the owner of the vehicle, take note of the registration number, make, and model of the car.

If the vehicle is on CCHA land, contact us with a picture of the car, with the registration visible if possible. When we receive this information, we will make contact with the DVLA to find out who is the registered keeper of the vehicle. If there is no registered keeper, we will contact Cardiff council to remove the vehicle. Please note that this may take a number of weeks from when we first receive your concerns.

However, if the vehicle is on a public road, you can contact Cardiff council

If you have any suspicions that the vehicle may be stolen, please contact the police on 101.

If you suspect items have been abandoned, please check with your neighbours to see if the items belong to them and are awaiting removal.

However, if these enquiries do not bring any results:

  • If the items are on CCHA property, please contact us and attach photos, if possible. Once we receive your report, we will arrange the necessary next steps. This may take a number of weeks.
  • If the item is not on our land, please contact Cardiff council who will arrange to get it removed. Again, this process may also take a number of weeks.

If your neighbour parks in a way that hinders or blocks the access to your home, or allocated parking space, start by speaking to them first. They may be unaware that their actions are causing you a problem.

If this does not resolve the issue, you can contact us and we can contact your neighbour. It may be that your neighbour, or their visitors, are unaware of parking arrangements. This can be the case when tenants are new to the area.

However, if the vehicle is on a public highway and contravening local parking regulations, you can contact Cardiff council who may be able to issue a Penalty Charge Notice.

If you have concerns about a neighbour hoarding, or living in unsanitary conditions, please contact us as soon as possible.

If you are concerned about the safety of someone else, contact the police immediately. 

If your neighbour has a tendency to hoard items, you can find out more about what to do and where to get help on the NHS website